More About The Offline Marketing Course
As most things are moving online, including marketing for businesses, most people neglect really effective offline marketing tactics. Which means you can take advantage and get ahead of the rest faster.
Initial Clients
The first few clients are often the hardest to get, really just due to the fact that you’re new to things and need confidence. We show you the most effective way of getting those first initial clients that you need to get your business moving which will provide the springboard to keep growing your business.
Extremely Cheap Mailout
Mailouts can be very effective, but to get them done professionally from companies that specialise in doing them can cost you thousands. We show you how to get it done to a standard that is going to serve your business but not break the bank – we even include templates to save you time.
Public Notice Boards
We show you a really effective free way to get your name out there that is quick and gets in front of the right local people. We have templates to help you do it right and give you all the info you need to save you time and money in getting this marketing channel going.
Supercharged Referrals
Referrals are going to be critical to your business and will ultimately bring in the best customers. But, getting them can be difficult. We show you how to get a constant stream of new referrals into your business without having to beg for them.
Loyalty Program
Keeping your clients happy with great service is only part of it. You also need a system in place to keep them coming back over and over and keep them spending more with you. We’ve simplified this process and help you get a really effective loyalty program in place fast.